Balloon Sinuplasty provides lasting sinus pain relief

Living in Maryland with severe and recurring sinus pain can be awful

You’ve been suffering for years…

As long as you’ve been suffering, you’ve been looking for a solution, but nothing works.

There’s so much pressure in your face it hurts and you're constantly congested.

man with sinus pain

Living with sinus pain is difficult

In fact, patients come in every day telling us they’ve tried so many things that haven’t worked they’ve given up looking for a solution.

At Frederick Breathe Free, we understand how it feels to believe there isn’t any treatment that works. Suffering with sinus pain every day is draining.

But now, their issues are gone.

Your sinus symptoms can impact your health in more ways than one.

You don’t have to accept that your sinus symptoms are just another fact of life. At Frederick Breathe Free, we can help solve your chronic sinus issues. Take our quiz now to see how your sinus symptoms are impacting your life.

Millions of people have gotten relief with Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty is a permanent sinus pain procedure that we perform in our office.

Are you a good candidate? Check out these telling symptoms.

  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Chronic congestion/stuffiness
  • Facial pressure/pain

If you’re suffering with these or other painful sinus symptoms, you’re likely a good candidate.

I want relief
Comprehensive ENT exam

How successful has Balloon Sinuplasty been?

Balloon Sinuplasty has helped over a million people since it was FDA approved in 2005. It’s so successful and safe that it’s covered by most insurances.

Locate - Balloon Sinuplasty procedure


Dilate & Restore - Balloon Sinuplasty procedure
Relieve - Balloon Sinuplasty procedure


Recovering from Balloon Sinuplasty

Unlike traditional sinus surgery, recovering from Balloon Sinuplasty is easy. Most people can return to normal activities the next day.

Are you ready to find relief?

If you’re tired of suffering from constant sinus infections and pain, it’s time to schedule. Patients just like you have found relief with Balloon Sinuplasty at Frederick Breathe Free.

Schedule today to get on the path to relief.

You can experience life without sinus pain

After the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, you’ll likely experience:

  • Lasting relief from sinus pain
  • Less need for medication
  • Less frequent trips to the doctor for sinus infections
  • The ability to Breathe Free again
I want relief
Balloon sinuplasty - breathing relief